Family Service
St. Augustine's

July 13, 2008

Key :

instructions for congregation
movements during service
prayers and readings
sections of the service

Other information :

There are some notes on our production of the service.

A rough plan of the church is available.

A note on copyright.


The Lord's Prayer

Reader We welcome you here in the name of Jesus.

Please, Jesus, teach us to pray more effectively.

Narrator No collection will be taken during this service. There is a donation box at the back of the church for anyone who would like to give a donation.

If anyone would like the music for our hymns today, please put your hand up and we will bring it to you.

Toilets are between the church and the hall.

Please don't feel embarrassed if the children are a bit noisy, we welcome everyone here.

Action leader ready near front.
Reader Our theme for today is

The Lord's Prayer.

Our sentence for today is from Luke Chapter 11 verse 1 :

"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.
When He had finished praying, one of His disciples said to Him,
'Lord, teach us to pray.'

Narrator "Action Leader" will teach us the actions for the first two hymns.
Action leader comes to the front and teaches the actions. Once the actions have been taught :
Action leader Please stand.
"Ev'ry minute of ev'ry day" omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Action leader reminds us of the actions for the next hymn. Then -
Action leader We will sing this hymn twice.
"I can talk to God" omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Narrator Please sit.
Action Leader returns to seat.

Grandma comes to front down Hospital aisle and grandchildren come to front down organ side; they meet in the middle and face the congregation.

Jesus and disciple ( Peter ) ready at Hospital side.

Grandchild 1 Grandma ! - we've been longing to see you !
Grandchild 2 Mummy told us to ask you about God.
Grandma What do you want to know ?
Grandchild 1 We want to know about prayer. Mummy says prayer is talking to God.
Grandchild 2 And listening to God.
Grandchild 1 But we don't know how to do it.
Grandchild 2 Can you teach us to pray, please ?
Grandma I can try, but the best way is to make up your minds to pray - that is, talk to Jesus each day and just keep on doing it and you will find yourself wanting to tell Him about more and more things.
Remember, He wants to hear about the good and the bad things that happen to you and to your friends and He wants to hear about your problems, too. Just talk to Him as if He is your best friend.
Grandchild 1 I've tried that, but sometimes there doesn't seem to be anyone there.
Grandma Yes, I feel like that sometimes too. But I just keep on praying.
Grandchild 2 And He never seems to answer.
Are you sure He's listening ?
Grandma Yes, I'm sure He's listening. Do you listen for His answers ?
He doesn't always answer the way we are expecting.
Grandchild 1 I find listening really hard.
Grandma Did you know that even Jesus's friends the disciples struggled with 'how to pray' and asked Jesus the same question ?
Grandchildren Did they really ?
Grandma Yes - and this is what Jesus said -
Grandma and grandchildren sit quietly in front pew.
Reader This reading is taken from Luke Chapter 11 verses 1-4 ( Page 1143 of the Church Bibles. )

Jesus's Teaching on Prayer.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. ( Jesus comes to centre and kneels in front of altar ) When He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him -

Peter ( Disciple ) comes from Hospital side.
Peter Lord, teach us to pray.
Jesus stands.
Jesus When you pray, say this :

Father :
May Your Holy Name be honoured;
may Your Kingdom come.
Give us day by day the food we need.
Forgive us our sins, for we forgive everyone who does us wrong.
And do not bring us to hard testing.

Jesus and Peter return to their seats.
Jean's story.
Narrator There is a slightly longer version of the Lord's Prayer in Matthew Chapter 6. Over the centuries the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples has changed a little; today we will be using one of the modern versions regularly used in our churches.

The Lord's Prayer Part 1.

Reader Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
in earth, as in heaven.
Grandma and grandchildren come to front again.
Grandchild 2 How does the Lord's Prayer start ?
Reader Our Father in heaven.
Grandchild 1 Why do we say "Our Father" ?
Grandma Because we're talking to our heavenly Father.
Grandchild 2 But I thought we were talking to God !
Grandma That's right. However, God is our Father, and we believe that He likes us to call Him Father.
When we choose to recognise Him as our Father we become part of His family.
Belonging to His family is available to everyone in the whole world, but not everyone chooses to join God's family.
Grandchild 1 Why do we add "in heaven" ?
Grandma Partly to distinguish Him from our earthly Father and partly to show that we are not mixing Him up with some make-believe god.
Grandchild 2 What comes next ?
Reader Hallowed be Your name.
Grandchild 1 What does "hallowed" mean ?
Grandma It says in my dictionary that "Hallow" means "to make sacred or worthy of reverence, to consecrate or sanctify"; that means it's about things that are very very good, and very very important.

"Hallowed be Your name" means we should always use God's names with respect and reverence and not use His name as a swear word.

Grandchild 2 Is that why Mummy tells us off when we come home from school and use words such as "Oh my God" ?
Grandma Yes. Just the other day I was walking past a school playground and heard some children using words like that in the wrong way. It made me so sad.
Grandchild 1 That's like one of the Ten Commandment rules : 'Use My name with respect'.
Grandma Yes, well done ! How do you know about the Ten Commandments ?
Grandchild 2 We've been learning them in Kids' Club.
Grandma Great !
Grandchild 1 Then it's 'Your kingdom come'.
Grandma How did you know that ?
Grandchildren Kids' Club.
Grandma Wonderful !
Grandchild 2 What's a kingdom ?
Grandma It's a place where a king rules and all his people are supposed to obey him.
Grandchild 1 I've read about some of the olden-day kings. A lot of them were really nasty and mean to their people.
Grandchild 2 But God's not nasty and mean, is He ?
Grandma No - God's kingdom is a place full of love, peace and joy.
Grandchild 1 That sounds like a good place to be !
Grandchild 2 I'd like to live there.
Grandma Heaven's like that. But we can also choose to live in God's kingdom right here on earth.
Grandchild 1 How do we do that ?
Grandma By deciding to live in Jesus's way. We choose Jesus as our best friend. Then we tell Him that we love Him and are sorry for the things we have done that He wouldn't like. Then we ask Him to forgive us and to help us not do them again, and we tell Him that we plan to live His way from now on and ask Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit to help us live Jesus's way.
Grandchild 2 But what if we still do wrong things ?
Grandma Well, we ask Him to forgive us, and promise that with the Holy Spirit's help we'll try to do better from now on.
Which brings us to the next part of the prayer -
Reader Your will be done, in earth, as in heaven.
Grandma That's praying that what happens should be God's will - what God wants - and not just what we want to do.
Grandchild 1 I do want to follow God, but it is so hard to know what to do.
Grandma It is hard. We should decide each day to try always to be loving and kind to others and not always to want our own way. And ask God's Holy Spirit to help us do it.

And to remember to keep on talking and listening to God so that we know what His plans for us are.

Grandchild 2 That's like thinking of God as our King.
Grandchild 1 Who is the Holy Spirit ?
Grandma The Holy Spirit is God coming to live in us when we ask Jesus to be our friend, and He helps us to follow God's plan.
Grandchild 2 But how can God come to live in us when He's in heaven ?
Grandma God can do more than one thing at once. So can we; our ordinary earthly fathers aren't just fathers - a father might be an accountant and a cyclist and a footballer as well, and he doesn't stop being a father when he's playing football. It's true that a human father won't be riding a bicycle when he's doing accountancy, but the idea's the same, it's just that God does it better.

And because God isn't made of stuff, like our bodies are, He isn't stuck to one place. That's a bit like the way we can think about anywhere in the universe, even though we're stuck to our bodies here on earth. And, of course, God does it better.

Grandchild 1 Does that mean that God really can be with us always ?
Grandma That's right. He's always there, always ready to help us when we need Him.
Grandma and grandchildren return to their seats.
Narrator Please remain sitting as we prayerfully sing two verses of

"Father God in heaven".

Pray-er 1 quietly comes to lectern.

Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Pray-er 1 Father God, teach us to pray day by day
that Your will be done in our lives.
Encourage us to live each day as members of Your kingdom.
Fill us with Your love, peace and joy so that we may pass them on to others.
Give us Your Holy Spirit to help us to follow Your plan for our lives. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer Part 2.

Give us today our daily bread.

Please stand to sing

"What a friend we have in Jesus".

During this hymn : Pray-er 1 returns to seat;
Man and family come to front down Hospital aisle and lie down behind the door and go to sleep;
Neighbour sits in 'house';
Jesus moves to lectern.

1.   What a friend we have in Jesus,
  All our sins and griefs to bear;
  What a privilege to carry
  Everything to God in prayer !
  O what peace we often forfeit,
  O what needless pain we bear,
  All because we do not carry
  Everything to God in prayer !

2.   Have we trials and temptations ?
  Is there trouble anywhere ?
  We should never be discouraged;
  Take it to the Lord in prayer !
  Can we find a friend so faithful,
  Who will all our sorrows share ?
  Jesus knows our every weakness;
  Take it to the Lord in prayer !

3.   Are we weak and heavy laden,
  Cumbered with a load of care ?
  Precious Saviour, still our refuge,
  Take it to the Lord in prayer !
  Do your friends despise, forsake you ?
  Take it to the Lord in prayer !
  In His arms He'll take and shield you,
  You will find a solace there.

Narrator Please sit for the play, taken from Luke Chapter 11 verses 5-13, page 1143 of the church Bibles.
Jesus speaking to His disciples about the Lord's Prayer.
Jesus Suppose one of you should go to a friend's house at midnight and say -
Neighbour comes from sitting in his house, stands near the door, knocks loudly, and calls loudly -
Neighbour Friend, let me borrow three loaves of bread. A friend of mine who is on a trip has come to my house and I haven't any food for him !
Man Don't bother me ! The door is already locked and my children and I are in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.
Jesus Well, what then ?
Neighbour knocks more loudly.
Jesus I tell you that even if he will not get up and give you the bread because you are his friend ...
Man gets grumpily out of bed, grabs some bread ( from Hospital corner ), opens the door, and thrusts the bread into his neighbour's hands, then quickly shuts the door as Jesus says -
Jesus ... yet he will get up and give you everything you need because you are not ashamed to keep on asking.
Neighbour returns towards his house, places the bread on the altar, and then sits under the screen.

Helper 1 ready to give children correct items.

Jesus And so I say to you -

Ask and you will receive.

Child 1 gets up from the bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "ASK" label".
Child 1 Ask.
Child 1 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Child 2 gets up from bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "RECEIVE" label.
Child 2 Receive.
Child 2 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Jesus Seek and you will find.
Child 3 gets up from the bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "SEEK" label.
Child 3 Seek.
Child 3 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Child 4 gets up from the bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "FIND" label
Child 4 Find.
Child 4 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Jesus Knock and the door will be opened unto you.
Child 5 gets up from the bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "KNOCK" label.
Child 5 Knock.
Child 5 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Child 6 gets up from the bed, and comes to front via Helper 1 with "OPEN" label.
Child 6 Open.
Child 6 sticks label on altar and returns to seat.
Jesus For those who ask will receive, and those who seek will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks.

Would any of you fathers, when a child asks for a -

Child 7 comes to front via Helper 1 holding up a ( model ) fish.
Child 7 fish
Helper 2 puts picture of fish on blue curtain.
Jesus - give him a -
Father 1 comes to front with a snake and a piece of red ribbon.
Father 1 snake ?
Helper 2 puts picture of snake covered with a diagonal red ribbon on the blue curtain.

Child 7 puts fish on the altar; Father 1 puts snake on altar and places a red ribbon diagonally over it; both return to their seats.

Jesus Would any of you fathers when a child asks for an -
Child 8 comes to front via Helper 1 holding up an egg.
Child 8 egg
Helper 2 puts picture of egg on blue curtain.
Jesus - give him a -
Father 2 comes to front with a scorpion and a red ribbon.
Father 2 scorpion ?
Helper 2 puts picture of scorpion and a red ribbon diagonally across it on blue curtain.

Child 8 puts egg on altar; Father 2 puts scorpion on altar and places a red ribbon diagonally over it; both return to their seats.

Jesus Bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children.
How much more then will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him ?
Narrator Please remain sitting as we prayerfully sing verse 3 of

"Father God in heaven".

Pray-er 2 comes quietly to the lectern;

Neighbour returns to her seat down organ aisle.

3.   Give us daily bread,
  Day by day;
  Nourish flesh and soul,
  Day by day;
  With the Bread of Life,
  Day by day -
  O, Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer 2 Dear Lord Jesus, show us how to ask, seek and find Your way for our lives.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that He may teach us Your way.
Give us the right words to pray for our needs and for the needs of others.
Nourish us, Lord Jesus, that we may be Your ambassadors here on earth. Amen

Helpers and Child 8 return to their seats down Hospital aisle.

Narrator The Lord's Prayer Part 3.
Reader Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Narrator Please stand to sing the hymn

"Forgive our sins as we forgive".

During this hymn -

  • Pray-er 2 returns to seat;
  • Jesus goes to back down Hospital side aisle;
  • Stagehand places table and chair ( for king to sit on ), card labelled "$10,000,000:00" and papers on table in front of altar, organ side.
  • Peter ready at back, guards at back;
  • Servants stand by Hospital wall near front;
  • King sitting at table at front towards organ side and facing congregation;
  • Servant (Ben) ready at back.

Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.

Narrator Please sit for the play

"The Parable of the unforgiving servant",

adapted from Matthew Chapter 18 verses 21-35 ( page 1073 of the church Bibles ).

Jesus and Peter walk up the aisle together and stand facing the congregation and also looking at each other.
Peter Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me how many times do I have to forgive him ? Seven times ?
Jesus No, not seven times but seventy times seven.
Jesus moves to the lectern and Peter sits down just behind him.
Jesus The kingdom of heaven is like this ( points to the king sitting at the table ) :

Once there was a king who decided to check on his servants' accounts. He had just begun to do so when one of them, called Ben, was brought in.

Servant ( Ben ) escorted by three guards comes up centre aisle, the servant stands in front of the king's table with the three guards just behind him.

The king holds up a card with $10,000,000:00 written on it.

King Ben - You owe me ten million dollars.
Servant ( Ben ) Sir, I cannot pay that amount. I haven't got enough money.
King Then I will have you sold as a slave along with your wife and children and all your possessions. The debt must be paid.
Servant ( Ben ) falls on his knees.
Servant ( Ben ) Be patient with me and I will pay you everything !
King looks sorry for his servant ( Ben ).
King Very well. I will forgive you your debt.
Servant ( Ben ) bows low to the king and starts to walk out.

Servant ( Jacob ) comes across from Hospital side and they meet just by the altar rail.

The guards stand in front of altar but further away from the table.

Servant ( Ben ) grabs Servant ( Jacob ) by the throat and starts choking him.

Servant 3, Servant 4 and Servant 5 creep closer as they watch what is happening.

Servant ( Ben ) Jacob ! You must pay back the ten dollars you owe me !
Servant ( Jacob ) falls on his knees.
Servant ( Jacob ) Ben, please be patient with me and I will pay you back.
Servant ( Ben ) No, Jacob ! I am sending you to prison.
Servant ( Ben ) takes Servant ( Jacob ) firmly by the arm and marches him to the back down the centre aisle.

Servant 3, Servant 4 and Servant 5 run across to tell the king what Servant ( Ben ) has done.

Servant 3 Sir, you forgave your servant Ben his debt and now he has thrown Jacob into jail.
Servant 4 He owed only ten dollars, but Ben owed you millions.
Servant 5 How fair is that ?
King Go and tell Ben that I want to see him.
Servant 3, Servant 4 and Servant 5 hurry to back down centre aisle and escort Servant ( Ben ) back to the front;

Servant ( Ben ) goes and stands in front of king; the other servants stand in front of altar listening.

King, very angry, stands up and points to Servant ( Ben ).

King You worthless slave ! I forgave you the whole amount you owed me just because you asked me to. You should have mercy on your fellow servant Jacob just as I had mercy on you. Now you will go to jail to be punished until the whole amount is paid back.
The king beckons to the three guards who grab hold of Servant ( Ben ) and march him to the back down centre aisle.
Servants follow behind.
King goes to back down organ side.
Jesus That is how My Father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive from your heart.
Narrator Please remain sitting as we prayerfully sing verse 4 of

"Father God in heaven"

Pray-er 3 comes quietly to lectern.

4.   Please forgive our sins,
  By Your grace;
  Make us clean, O Lord,
  By Your grace;
  As we, too, forgive,
  By Your grace -
  O, Lord, hear our prayer.

Pray-er 3 Lord God, help us to come to You in repentance for the things that we have done wrong.

Help us to seek and to receive Your forgiveness so that we may be cleansed from our wrongdoing.

Lord God, fill us with Your grace so that we may be people who forgive others no matter what they have done to us.

May Your mercy and forgiveness reign in our hearts. Amen.

Jesus, Disciple return to their seats down Hospital aisle.


Narrator The Lord's Prayer Part 4.
Reader Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
Narrator Please stand to sing the hymn

"In the name of Jesus, we have the victory",

which we will sing twice.

During this hymn :
  • David W comes to front down organ side;
  • Nicky C comes to front down Hospital side;
  • Gang get ready at back;
  • Usher at front organ side with collecting bags.


In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
We have the victory.
In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
Demons will have to flee.
When we stand on the name of Jesus
Tell me who can stand before
In the mighty name of Jesus
We have the victory.

Narrator Please sit for this true story adapted from David Wilkerson's book "The Cross and the switchblade".
David W comes to centre.
David W Hi, I'm David Wilkerson. I was born in Pennsylvania. My father and grandfather were preachers and now I'm a preacher too.
David W moves over to stand at organ side of altar; Nicky C moves to centre.
Nicky C Hi, I'm Nicky Cruz. I am Puerto Rican, the sixteenth child of eighteen. My parents are spiritualists and use our house to follow occult practices. We kids spent most of our childhood on the streets.
Nicky C moves to Hospital side of altar.
David W I grew up in a family full of love and now I am a minister in a small mountain village in Pennsylvania.
Nicky C By the time I was 8 all I wanted to do was to kill or maim other people. Especially those who were old or weak or sick.
My father said I had a devil in me, but he couldn't cast it out.
My mother said I was a child of Lucifer. She called me a Son of Satan.
By the time I was 15 I was living with an older brother in New York where I was attracted to the gang culture.
I soon had a reputation of fearless violence.
David W I loved being a minister. I loved being surrounded by my wife and family and a loving caring church family. But in spite of this I was beginning to feel restless and felt there was something new that God wanted me to do.
Nicky C By the time I was 16 I was on trial for murder. I was acquitted but my family totally rejected me.
David W One night when I was praying in my study I felt led to read "Life" magazine.
"No, I can't do that, it's my prayer time", I thought.
But the more I struggled to pray the more I felt I should read the magazine.
Finally I gave in and opened the magazine. My eyes were caught by a drawing of seven young men on trial for murder.
One of the young men looked so bewildered, full of hate and despair.
I couldn't take my eyes off that picture and I began to cry and cry and cry.
Nicky C I was so hurt when my family rejected me. I was so lonely, especially at night. My hatred and violence increased.
Alcohol and drugs became my way of life. I had to rob and kill to keep my habit going.
I got more and more involved in the gangs.
Gang warfare became my way of life.
We had to kill or be killed.
David W I began to visit Brooklyn, New York regularly.
I didn't meet those young men from "Life" magazine, but I met hundreds of others. I tried to tell them about the love of Jesus.
Nicky C One day our gang had decided to join up with another gang and together we were going to raid a bigger gang's territory.
As I came to the meeting place, I saw the gang all crowding around a skinny guy on a chair. He was telling them all about Jesus and how much Jesus loved them.
David W One day I stood on a chair on a footpath in Brooklyn and told those who would listen that God loved them so much.
Some of those people knelt down on the footpath and asked God to forgive them right there.
But I noticed one particular one who had a really hard face. I stepped towards him.
David W moves over towards Nicky C.
David W Hi !
Nicky C Go to hell.
David W You don't think much of me, but I love you and God loves you.
David W takes another step towards Nicky C.
Nicky C You come near me, Preacher, and I'll kill you.
David W You could do that. You could cut me into a thousand pieces and lay them out on the street and every piece would love you.
David W walks back to his place, saying -
David W I turned away thinking it wouldn't do a bit of good. There's no love on earth that could reach you, I thought.
Nicky C I told the others that we needed to move on, but nobody moved. It was the first time they didn't obey me. I felt terrible.
Narrator Then, encouraged by a group of local churches, David organised a rally for all the gangs. They organised buses to pick up the different gangs.
The rally ran for a week, but very few people came. Then on the last night all the gangs came.
Nicky's gang were the last to arrive and swaggered up to the front row seats which had been reserved for them.
Gang come swaggering up centre aisle, meet Nicky C at altar rail and stand in front of Hospital side of the altar.
David W It was really scary in that hall. The gangs were all shouting rude remarks to each other. I was sure a fight would break out at any minute. I was scared, shaking all over as I stepped up to give the message but then felt led to take a collection first.

"Would one of the gangs take a collection ?", I asked.

Nicky C jumps to the centre.
Nicky C We will !
Usher comes up to Nicky C.
Usher We need four people.
Nicky C points to three gang members as he says -
Nicky C You, you and you.
David W The ushers handed them the collecting bags.
Usher hands collecting bags to Nicky C and the three gang members;

Nicky C and the three gang members go down centre aisle holding the bags out for money and saying :

Nicky C and gang Money, money, money ! Give us your money !
David W I stood up the front praying and praying - would the gang bring me the money or not ?
I was shaking in my shoes, terrified, but kept on praying.
Nicky C shouts from the back :
Nicky C Got you now, preacher ! The only way up to the stage is past the open outside door, we're about to do a runner.
The gang and Nicky C come swaggering up Hospital aisle and stand Hospital side of the door;
David W continues to pray silently.
The gang stop behind the door waiting for Nicky C to say "let's go".
Nicky C I was ready to say "Let's go". But then the words that David had said to me kept running through my head - "I love, you, and God loves you too" - and I knew he really meant it. It got harder and harder to let David down. David looked so confident standing there. I couldn't let him down. He loves me and he trusts me.
Nicky C points to David W, and says to the gang :
Nicky C Come on, then.
Nicky C pushes the door open and he and the gang take the money to David W.
Narrator That night Nicky and the gang accepted God and invited God's Holy Spirit to come into their lives, and they became changed people.

Nicky is still telling people about Jesus fifty years later. In fact he was in New Zealand a few months ago.

Narrator Please remain sitting as we prayerfully sing verse 5 of

"Father God in heaven".

Pray-er 4 comes quietly to the lectern.
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Pray-er 4 Lord God, lead us in Your way.
When temptation comes give us the strength to resist.
Help us to find people to pray with us whenever our need is great.
Save us from evil.
Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we can be protected from all evil.
Protect us, Lord, from all who desire to harm us.
Fill us with Your love so that we can show love to all people.

David W, Nicky C, gang and usher return to seats.


The Lord's Prayer Part 5.

for the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and for ever.

Reader This section was added centuries ago to the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, and affirms for all time the majesty, the power and the glory of God and His Kingdom.
Narrator Please remain sitting as we prayerfully sing verse 6 of

"Father God in heaven".

Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Narrator Together, prayerfully, we say -
ALL Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
in earth, as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil,
for the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and for ever.
Narrator Please stand for our final hymn


which we will sing twice.

Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Narrator Please remain standing for the Blessing.



Someone at the door to hand out "praying hands".

Those taking part :

Action leader, Child 1, Child 2, Child 3, Child 4, Child 5, Child 6, Child 7, Child 8, David W, Disciple, Father 1, Father 2, Grandchild 1, Grandchild 2, Grandma, Jesus, King, Man, Narrator, Nicky C, Peter, Pray-er 1, Pray-er 2, Pray-er 3, Pray-er 4, Reader, Servant 1, Servant 2, Servant 3, Servant 4, Servant 5, Usher