St. Augustine's Family Services


Our streamers were in the form of a curtain - around 3 metres long - of dangling red, yellow, green and orange crepe paper strips suspended from a bamboo pole. We glued one end of each streamer around the pole then suspended it on brackets about 50cm from the wall. We used it to symbolise the flames of the Holy Spirit.

We also symbolised the wind of the Holy Spirit using an electric fan placed under the streamers and turned on at the appropriate moment. The position clear of the wall made it much easier for the streamers to wave about.

The brackets are made from No.8 fencing wire, which is strong enough to support our "curtain". Each has a flat portion which lies against the wall suspended from one of the supports for our existing curtain rail. The part which supports the "curtain" projects away from the wall. The diagram and photograph below should illustrate the principles. ( Click the pictures for separate versions. )

We used three brackets to support our pole, one of which was the mirror image of the others, with the "lies flat against wall" branch pointing in the opposite direction. The intention of this branch is to hinder any tendency for the brackets to rotate around the vertical part; at least one pointing in each direction gives satisfactory stability.


We used the "streamers" in one of our services :

2009 October