These are notes and comments on some of the items which appear in the Christingle Service script. Links from the script point to these entries; clicking the links in the left hand column of the table takes you back to the corresponding link in the script - or, where more than one link from the script points to the note, back to the first such link.
The comments are typically related to features of the service which are specific to our church or the time of the service, or which for some other reason we think might require alteration for another setting. For references to the internal geography of the church, it might be helpful to inspect the plan. |
Inherited from the Carol Service :
Also :
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ADVENT WREATH | We follow the custom of the Advent Wreath ( described here - or, for a brief summary, here ). If you don't, you'll have to make several changes to the service. | ||||
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ARMS | Instead of the usual fruity arms, for the demonstration Christingle we used arms specifically representing the four seasons. Here are pictures :
As well as the arms themselves, we included pictures of them in the overhead projector presentation so that everyone could see. | ||||
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CAMP FIRE | Our usual electric "fire". | ||||
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CHRISTMAS TREE | A traditional Christmas tree, decorated only with red ribbon and gold "angel hair" ( long thin - about 20cm × 2mm × 0.5mm - flexible strips of reflective "gold" material ). There were no lights, but the tree as a whole was illuminated with a spotlight. | ||||
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CURTAIN | The blue curtain is on the front wall of the church, behind the altar. | ||||
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DOLL | A baby doll to represent the Baby Jesus. It should be around life-sized, or perhaps rather bigger. | ||||
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GOD IS SO GOOD | The first verse - "God is so good ..." - is from the original version. All following verses used in this service are composed for the occasion, and may be freely used. Here is a collected set of the verses. | ||||
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KITCHEN STEPS | These are never used as steps, and are introduced purely for effect to emphasise the implied climbing. We used a short ( four steps ) folding ladder. | ||||
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MANGER | Something that could plausibly be a feeding box for cattle. Anything that looks like the traditional notion of the manger would probably do. Obviously, it has to be big enough to hold the Jesus doll. Ours is like this. | ||||
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POLYSTYRENE, RINGS FROM CANS, AND CAPS FROM MILK BOTTLES | ... or something of the sort. Any examples of potentially harmful rubbish will do. | ||||
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RED BAND | A band of red crêpe paper, about 20cm broad. It isn't mentioned anywhere else, and the symbolism is less than obvious. Optional; you decide. | ||||
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SEED PACKETS | Anything that looks like seed packets will do. We didn't have any real seed packets ( - though we did find some for the spring arm ), so printed a few more of the "Jesus seed" packets we used in a previous service. | ||||
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STABLE | The stable must be big enough to accommodate Mary, Joseph, and the manger in reasonable comfort. It will later become Mary and Joseph's house. Our stable was made from two wooden clothes driers and draped with sheets; construction details here. | ||||
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WARNING | Intended light-heartedly. The description of winter given is a lot closer to the traditional English Christmas card sort than to an Auckland winter. | ||||
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