Family Service
St. Augustine's

2002 June 30

Key :

instructions for congregation
movements during service
prayers and readings
sections of the service

Other information :

There are some notes on our production of the service.

A rough plan of the church is available.

A note on copyright.


Sowing the Seed

Leader at lectern Welcome;
Music available - please hold up your hand.
Someone be ready to give it out. )

Will the Kids' Club children please come to the front to help me with the actions ?

This is an echo song.

Projector operator put the tape on.
Leader Please stand for the song :
Hello, everyone !
( We sing it twice, led by Kids' Club leader and children. )
( During the hymn, the Leader moves to the organ side. )
      Hello, everyone !
all :  Hello, everyone !
      Give your neighbour a big smile !
all :  Give your neighbour a big smile !
      Stretch up tall and wriggle your thumb.
all :  Stretch up tall and wriggle your thumb.
      Now let's whisper for a while.
all :  Now let's whisper for a while.
      Stamp your feet and clap, clap, clap !
all :  Stamp your feet and clap, clap, clap !
      Give your knees a slap, slap, slap !
all :  Give your knees a slap, slap, slap !
      Oh, no, we forgot !
all :  Oh, no, we forgot !
all :  The most important person to say "Hello" to is .... GOD !
Leader Please sit or kneel for the prayer.
Pray-er at Lectern Good morning, Jesus. We thank You for bringing us together today. Be with us as we sing Your praises, pray, and hear about Your Word. Amen.
Leader at organ side Please sit for the reading.
Reader 1 at Lectern Mark 4, verses 1-2.
Reader 2 at Lectern Mark 4, verses 3-8.
Reader 3 at Lectern Mark 4, verses 13-20.
Leader This is the Word of the Lord;
People Thanks be to God.
Leader Please stand for the song :
We plough the fields.

1.   We plough the fields, and scatter
  The good seed on the land;
  But it is fed and watered
  By God's almighty hand;
  He sends the snow in winter,
  The warmth to swell the grain;
  The breezes and the sunshine,
  And soft refreshing rain

Chorus :

  All good gifts around us
  Are sent from heaven above;
  Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord
  For all his love.

2.   He only is the maker
  Of all things near and far;
  He paints the wayside flower,
  He lights the evening star;
  The winds and waves obey Him,
  By Him the birds are fed;
  Much more, to us, His children,
  He gives our daily bread.


3.   We thank you, then, our Father,
  For all things bright and good;
  The seed-time and the harvest,
  Our life, our health, our food :
  Accept the gifts we offer
  For all your love imparts;
  And that which you most welcome -
  Our humble, thankful hearts !


Section 1

The Seed

Leader from organ side During this section the sower will be sowing "seed". Please try to have at least one "seed" per person, and keep them safe to use later in the service. Thank you.
Poem reader from Lectern
The seed is scattered - it's covered the ground - God chose the very best corn.
The farmer's aware that some of the land is path or rock or thorn.

( poem next )

Sower sows the "seed" to the congregation and leaves the empty basket leaning against the overhead projector table, while

Organist plays "We plough the fields" quietly.

Leader from organ side Please read your "seed" aloud; all together we say :
People Read the "seed" aloud. )
Reader from Lectern
God's word is the seed - and we are the ground - every tribe, every race, every nation.
He gives His word freely to all who'll receive - for us there's no obligation.

( poem next )

Song person teaches his song.
Reader from Lectern
It's we who choose which soil we'll be - it's God who plants the grain.
It's up to us whether the seed will grow through sunshine, wind and rain.

( poem next )

Sower at Lectern, pointing to basket I leave this basket here to remind us that God plants His message in our lives.
Leader from organ side Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Sower Thank you, Lord God, for the messages that You sow in our lives.
Forgive us for the times when we have ignored those messages.
People God forgive us, and help us to do better in the future.
Leader from organ side Please stand for the song :
God has spoken to His people.
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Leader Please sit.

Section 2

The Path

Leader ( from organ side ) gets children who want to help to the front.
Poem reader from Lectern
Some seed falls on the hard, hard path - there's no way it can grow.
When Satan gets control like that, all God's good words just go.

( poem next )

Leader Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Narrator  God forgive us, and help us to do better in the future
Sower scatters seed on the central table.

Leader and children "peck up" some seed at the end of each story.

  Story 1
Seed Narrator at Lectern Dick was really enjoying this Dinner Party - the food was great, the conversation interesting and amusing, then someone, further down the table, said something about God.

Dick wasn't sure what, and his friend sitting next to him said, "You believe in God, don't you, Dick ? You go to church and all that.". Dick didn't know what to say. Everyone was looking at him, and he was sure no one else there went to church.

He couldn't say he believed, not in front of all these people; he mumbled something about "mm" and was so pleased the conversation turned into a different direction.

Then Dick realised he'd lost an opportunity of telling them about God. He felt awful.

Children remove some seed from the table.
  Story 2
Seed Narrator at Lectern Johnny's friends came running up to him after school.

"Hey, Guess what ! Mrs Brown has gone out and her grapes are ripe. There's no one home, we're going to get some grapes. Are you coming ?"

Johnny knew he shouldn't go. But somehow he couldn't say "No", so they all went and got some grapes.

Afterwards Johnny felt awful; he knew it was wrong and God wouldn't like it.

Children remove some seed from the table.
  Story 3
Seed Narrator at Lectern "Mum", called Anna, "Auntie Jo is on the phone; she wants us all to go round for brunch tomorrow at 10. Please say we can go ! Please...."

Mum came rushing to the phone. "Oh - I'm not sure - it's Sunday, and there's church and Super Sunday Club; we should really go there."

She could see Anna in the background whispering "Please". "Oh well, I suppose once won't matter. Yes, we'll be there."

Afterwards Anna's Mum knew she should have gone to church and felt awful.

Children remove some seed from the table.
Poem reader from Lectern
There's nothing left when the heart is hard and closed to the love of God.
Our spirit dies within us - becomes like an empty pod.

( poem next )

Sower re-seeds the table and covers it with the screen.
Seed Narrator at Lectern Let's think of different endings for the three stories I've just told.

Story 1. What could Dick at the dinner party have replied ?

Children by seed table together shout Yes, I do believe in God !
Seed Narrator at Lectern Story 2. How could Johnny have replied to his friend ?
Children by seed table together shout No, that's stealing !
Seed Narrator at Lectern Story 3. What could Anna's Mum have said to Auntie Jo ?
Children by seed table together shout Yes, but after Church !
Children return to their places.
Poem reader from Lectern
Open our hearts, our minds, our souls. Soften the soil and begin
to allow God's seed of love for us to grow fully from within.

( poem next )

Leader demonstrates birds at work and places them on the stand.
Seed Narrator at Lectern We place these birds here to remind us that God plants His message in our lives. Help us to resist Satan as he tries again and again to take God's message away from us.
Leader at organ side Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Seed Narrator at Lectern Thank you, Lord God, for the messages that you sow in our lives; forgive us for the times we allow them to be stolen away from us.
People God, forgive us, and help us to do better in the future.
Leader at organ side Singer ) will now lead us in the Psalm.
Singer Psalm 121.

Refrain :
   My help comes from the Lord, Who has made heav'n and earth.

Music for refrain.

solo  I lift my eyes to the hills :
   But where shall I look for help 
   My help comes from the Lord
   Who has made heaven and earth

all  Refrain

solo  The Lord will not let your foot stumble :
   The one who guards you will not sleep.
   The one who keeps watch over this people :
   Shall neither doze nor sleep.

all  Refrain

solo  The Lord is the one who will guard you :
   The Lord at your right hand will be your defence,
   So that the sun shall not strike you by day :
   Nor yet the moon by night.

all  Refrain

solo  The Lord shall preserve you from all evil :
   Yes it is the Lord Who will keep you safe.
   The Lord shall take care of your going out and your coming in :
   From this time forth and for ever.

all  Refrain

Leader Please sit.

Section 3

The Rock

Poem reader at Lectern
On rocky ground the soil is sparse and often shallow and dry.
When the seed takes root it shoots up fast, then struggles and soon must die.

( poem next )

Plant sits on the rock miming a wilting plant then brings out a sunshade to shelter herself from the weather.

Meanwhile Rock Narrator adjusts the timing of this word picture to the mime.

Rock Narrator at Lectern Summer.
Hot sun, dry wind, no rain.
Flower gets too hot;
No roots;
Begins to wilt and shrivel up.
No shade or shelter from hot sun ....
If only, put roots down, found shelter ....

Sunshade out now; Plant stays there throughout the poem.
Poem reader from Lectern
If we wish to grow in spite of the rocks we must rest in the shade of God's love.
Drink in the dew of His holiness and feast on the food from above.

( poem next )

Rock Narrator at Lectern We leave this leaf here to remind us that God plants His message in our lives. Help us to remember to call upon God to be our shield in times of trouble.
Leader at organ side Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Rock Narrator at Lectern Thank You, Lord God, for the messages that You sow in our lives. Forgive us for the times when trials and tribulations draw us away from You.
People God forgive us, and help us to shelter in Your care when troubles overwhelm us.
Leader Please stand for the song :
Living under the shadow of His wing
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Leader Please sit.

Section 4

The Thorns

Leader from organ side During this section I need some helpers - anyone who wants to help please come here now.
Poem reader at Lectern
Thorns grow up and choke the seed, if the gardener doesn't weed
The thorns of worry, strife or trial - of partying, drinking or greed.

( poem next )

Leader and helpers at one side; Plant sits on the centre of the table.
Thorns Narrator at Lectern Each day we all have to make choices, some of these choices lead us nearer to God, other choices take us further away from God. The Bible likens this to a plant growing up amongst weeds.

Here we have ( Plant's name ) representing the good plant growing strong and tall, but as she grows weeds grow up around her too.

Leader and her helpers come one by one to surround Plant with "weeds". As each "weed" is mentioned a child takes that label and stands by Plant, except that the last one is taken by Leader. Meanwhile, Narrator adjusts his speed to fit in with the weeds as they arrive.
Thorns Narrator at Lectern Weeds such as worry, love of riches, strife, gossip, trials, nightly parties, greed, drunkenness, bitterness, anxiety, drug abuse, slander, anger.
The "weeds" remain round the Plant.
Poem reader at Lectern
When we follow the ways of the world, the things of God will soon grow cold
There'll be no strength in the life God has given and we will soon lose hold.

( poem next )

Thorns Narrator at Lectern To draw close to God we need to turn away from worldly things and concentrate on the things of God.
Plant takes the cards one by one from the "weeds", scrunches them up, and throws them away. As "weed labels" are scrunched up, holder helper returns to their seat.

When all the weeds are gone, Plant kneels in front of table facing altar.

Poem reader at Lectern
So throw out the things that clutter your life - the attitudes of 'I don't care' -
And fill our days with the things of God - with his teachings and with prayer.

( poem next )

Plant places labelled plant on stand.
Thorns Narrator at Lectern We leave this plant here to remind us that God plants His message in our lives. Help us to turn away from worldly clutter and to fill our days with the things of God.
Leader Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Thorns Narrator Thank you, Lord God, for the messages that You sow in our lives. Forgive us for the times when we turn away from You.
People God forgive us, and help us to turn away from worldly things.
Leader Please stand for the song :
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.

1.   I have decided to follow Jesus,
  I have decided to follow Jesus,
  I have decided to follow Jesus,
  No turning back, no turning back.

2.   The world behind me the cross before me;
  The world behind me the cross before me;
  The world behind me the cross before me;
  No turning back, no turning back.

3.   Though none go with me, still I will follow;
  Though none go with me, still I will follow;
  Though none go with me, still I will follow;
  No turning back, no turning back.

4.   Where Jesus leads me, I'll surely follow;
  Where Jesus leads me, I'll surely follow;
  Where Jesus leads me, I'll surely follow;
  No turning back, no turning back.

5.   Sing glory, glory and hallelujah !
  Sing glory, glory and hallelujah !
  Sing glory, glory and hallelujah !
  No turning back, no turning back.

Leader Please sit

Puppeteer Puppets.

Section 5

The Harvest

Leader at organ side I need some helpers for this section; please come to the front now, then move with helpers to the back. Also during this section any gifts for the Auckland City Mission will be brought up to the front. I will tell you when; please be ready if you have donations to bring.
Poem reader at Lectern
Most of the seed falls on well-prepared soil. It grows and flourishes tall.
Produces good crops - rich and full - provides food for one and all.

( poem next )

Donor brings forward his harvest basket and places it on the central table leaving room for the Bible.

Organist quietly plays "Bringing in the sheaves".

Poem reader at Lectern
When our heart is receptive we accept God's word - study it, learn it well.
Growing in boldness, strength and zeal - many others we will tell.

( poem next )

Helpers bring Auckland City Mission donations from back, then -
Leader invites others to bring their gifts forward too, while -
Organist quietly plays "Bringing in the sheaves".
Poem Reader from Lectern
There is no fear when we walk with God - only love and joy and gain.
So step out in faith - the reward is ours - this bounteous crop of grain !

( poem start )

Leader places Bible on Central Table, while -
Poem reader from Lectern We leave this Bible here to remind us that God plants His message in our lives. Help us to read and study this precious book so that our faith may deepen and bear much fruit.
Leader at organ side Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Poem reader from Lectern Thank you, Lord God, for the messages that You sow in our lives. May they bring forth a great harvest for You.
People Thank You, God, for Your wonderful messages.

Section 6

Sharing the Word

Leader Please find your 'seeds' and turn to a neighbour and read your 'seed' to one another, then turn to another neighbour and do the same.
Leader Please stand for the collection song :
Bringing in the sheaves
1.   Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness;
  Sowing through the day and when the daylight leaves.
  Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping -
  We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

Chorus :

  Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
  We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
  Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
  We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

2.   Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows,
  Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze;
  By and by the harvest, and the labour ended -
  We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.


3.   Sowing through our lifetime, sowing for the Master,
  Harvesting the peace the faithful soul receives;
  When our work is over, He will bid us welcome -
  We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.


Leader at Lectern says a short prayer over all the gifts.
Leader Please sit or kneel for the prayers led by Pray-er 1, Pray-er 2, Pray-er 3, Pray-er 4 and Pray-er 5, ending with the Lord's Prayer
Pray-er 1 Thank You for this service. Teach us, Jesus, how to listen and understand the things we hear about You. Help us to remember the messages You give to us.
Pray-er 2 We pray for our family and friends, asking You to bless each one. We think of those who are sick or in trouble at this time, praying that You will comfort and heal them.
Pray-er 3 We pray for this church and the people who come here - bless them all; and we pray especially for Lorna who is ill.
Pray-er 4 Thank You for our schools, thank You for our teachers and our friends. May we all enjoy these holidays and return to school refreshed and ready for a new term's work.


Pray-er 5 Our Father, You have put us in this beautiful, fertile, and productive land, and we have made it into a place where there is poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

We pray for all those who work for social services. We ask You to support them when difficult circumstances arise, and that they will be moved by love for those whom they serve.

We pray specially for Christian social services, including the Auckland City Mission and Devonport Christian Care. We pray that all who work through their ministries may, by their dedication and love, bring Your blessings to many who are in need.

Lord God, we pray for the peace of the world. Daily we hear of yet more hatred, threats, attacks, and terrorism, which provoke similar responses, and bring bereavement, pain, destruction, and waste.

We all know that it is tempting to seek quick and glorious answers to difficult problems, but we know too that they are hard to find.

So we pray that all people might learn to apply themselves to finding real solutions, even if it does mean paying attention to people whom we believe to be our enemies - and may we all be less ready to believe that our "enemies" are any worse than we are.

Leader Together we say The Lord's Prayer :
People Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done, on earth, as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours now and for ever. Amen
Leader Please stand for the song :
Jesus is Lord ! Creation's Voice Proclaims it
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Leader at Lectern Blessing.

Those taking part

Children ( at least some have speaking parts, and need rehearsal )
Narrators ( several )
Plant ( mime )
Pray-ers ( several )
Projector operator
Readers ( several )
Singer ( Psalm )

Please join us for a cuppa in the Hall. (  behind the church  ).