Family Service
St. Augustine's

2003 March 30

Key :

instructions for congregation
movements during service
prayers and readings
sections of the service

Other information :

There are some notes on our production of the service.

A rough plan of the church is available.

A note on copyright.



Projector operator Please stand for the opening hymn :
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.
Everyone is welcome to join in the procession
( During the hymn, Leader and Helpers proceed from the back to the front waving their 'sparklers'; they encourage the congregation to join the procession.

They lead the procession right round the church. As the members of the congregation pass the front, a helper gives them sparklers to wave.

When the procession returns to the front, the helpers place their sparklers in the pot on the table in front of the altar. Two of them collect the sparklers from the members of the congregation who've joined the procession, then direct them back to their seats along the side aisles; the rest stay at the front until the song is finished.

Organist repeats the song until 'sparklers' are all in the pot on the table and the procession is over. )

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart,
I will enter His courts with praise;
I will say, "This is the day that the Lord has made !";
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad, He has made me glad;
I will rejoice for He has made me glad !
He has made me glad, He has made me glad;
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

( Leader remains at front; others go to the back. )
Leader Please sit.

Music available.

Thank You, God, for Your creation

Leader Let us pray.

We thank You for the sun so bright,
The starry skies and moon at night.

People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for the things that fly -
Insects, birds that soar so high.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for the mountains tall,
For river, stream, and waterfall.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for fields where we can run free,
The flowers, and fruit that grows on the tree.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for animals wild and tame -
The sheep, cat, and lion with glorious mane.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for whales that swim in the sea,
The eels and the fishes and things we can't see.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader We thank You for people wherever they are,
for friends who are dear, and for all spread afar.
People Thank You, God, for Your creation.
Leader Please stand for the hymn :
All things bright and beautiful.

Chorus :
  All things bright and beautiful,
  All creatures great and small,
  All things wise and wonderful,
  The Lord God made them all.

1. Each little flower that opens,
  Each little bird that sings,
  He made their glowing colours,
  He made their tiny wings.


2. The purple-headed mountain,
  The river running by,
  The sunset, and the morning
  That brightens up the sky  :


3. The cold wind in the winter,
  The pleasant summer sun,
  The ripe fruits in the garden,
  He made them every one.


4. The tall trees in the greenwood,
  The meadows where we play,
  The rushes by the water
  We gather every day


5. He gave us eyes to see them,
  And lips that we might tell
  How great is God Almighty,
  Who has made all things well.


Leader Please sit.
( Helpers ready at back to bring in tractor, sheep, fruit etc. )

Thank You, God, for Your provision

The Harvest offering

"God provides food for all who honour Him"  : Psalm 111 verse 5.

Thanksgiving for the earth's produce, and for those who work with it :

Leader Thank You for the sun and the rain that helps our food to grow; Point upwards, as if to sun.
  Thank You for farmers and vegetable growers who help our food to grow; Helper 1 places tractor on table in front of altar.
  Thank You for shepherds and stockmen who look after the animals; Helper 2 places sheep on table in front of altar.
  Thank You for fruit trees and the harvesters who pick the fruit; Helper 3 places fruit on table in front of altar.
  Thank You for all who work in factories and bakeries where food is produced; Helper 4 places bread on table in front of altar.
  Thank You for truck drivers who transport supplies from place to place; Helper 5 places truck on table in front of altar.
  Thank You for those who work in shops and supermarkets which sell the food; Helper 6 places shopping basket on table in front of altar .
  Thank You for all who prepare our food. Helper 7 places cooking pot on table in front of altar.
People Thank You, God, for Your wonderful provision.
Leader We invite you all to bring your donations for Devonport Christian Care and Auckland City Mission and place them on the altar table now.
( Organist plays "Thank You, God, for this fine day" whilst the people bring their gifts forward. )

Thank You, God, for people who serve us

Leader Please remain seated for the play :

Grandma's visit

( The "children" come to the front then Grandma comes from organ with her packed suitcase. )
Children Hi, Grandma - it's lovely to have you come and stay !
Child 1 Have you brought us some presents ?
Grandma Ummm, wait and see.
Child 2 Grandma, did you get me that book ?
Child 3 And what about my Computer Game ?
Child 4 Yes, and I want cricket gloves !
Child 2 Did you remember ?
Child 4 Hey, Grandma, let's see what's in your suitcase !
Child 2 I'll open it !
Child 3 No, I will !
Child 4 No, I asked - let me do it !
Grandma Mmm, why don't I do it.
( she opens the suitcase and hands a present to each child; children tear off paper. )
Child 2 Ooo, you did get my book - I'll go and start it right now !
( runs off. )
Child 3 Wow - It's the computer game ! Quick, let me get on the computer !
( hurries away. )
Child 4 Oh, look, it's cricket gloves ! I must go next door and show them to Ben !
( runs off. )
Child 1 Ooh, this is lovely - an Action Man !
( runs off then hurries back gives Grandma a big hug. )
Thank you, Grandma !
Grandma Umm, thank you - hugs are so special.
( Grandma and Child 1 go down aisle chatting together. )
Leader Please stand for the hymn :
Thank You, Lord,
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Leader Please kneel for the prayers.
Child 1 Thank You, Lord, for everyone who works so hard to provide food and clothing for us.
Child 2 Thank You, Lord, for our homes and families.
Child 3 Thank You, Lord, for pets.
Child 4 Thank You, Lord, for school.
Child 5 Thank You, Lord, for doctors, nurses and hospitals and all who look after us when we are ill.
Child 6 Thank You, Lord, for friends.
People Thank you, God, for people who serve us
( Pray-ers go to back )
Leader Please sit.

Thank You, God, for Your blessings

Narrator In Bible times there was no cure for leprosy and everyone suffering from leprosy was excluded from their community and village.

They lived in caves or in the wilderness and were not allowed to get close to any other person.

Some were lucky and their families still cared enough for them to bring food close to where they were living, but others did not have anyone willing to help.

If, for any reason, they needed to move through a village or near to other people, they had to ring a bell and shout "unclean, unclean" so that people were warned that they were near and could move out of the way.

Sometimes other skin diseases were mistaken for leprosy.

If any of them thought they were healed, they had to go to the local priest and show him that they were now healed; he would then give them permission to move back into the village.

Our Bible story is about Jesus and ten lepers and is taken from Luke Chapter 17 verses 11-19.

One day Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. He was going into a village when He was met by ten lepers.

( Jesus walks down side aisle to front;
Ten lepers come down the other side aisle. One leper carries a bell. )
Lepers ( "ding ding" with bell ) Unclean, unclean !
( "ding ding" with bell ) Unclean, unclean !
( "ding ding" with bell ) Unclean, unclean !
( "ding ding" with bell ) Unclean, unclean !
When at front they turn towards congregation and cry
Jesus ! Master ! Have pity on us !
Jesus Go to the Jewish priest and show him that you are healed.
Lepers turn to go back down middle aisle.
They look down and realise that their leprosy has gone - joy and excitement !
Nine continue down aisle;
Tenth leper starts down aisle then turns back and throws herself at Jesus's feet.
Tenth leper Thank You, thank You, Jesus, for making me whole !
Jesus Didn't I heal ten people ? Where are the other nine ? Does only this foreigner return to thank Me ?
( Jesus reaches down to the leper and helps him up saying - )

Stand up and go, your faith has made you well.
Narrator Thank You for Your healing power, thank You for the love, joy and peace that flows from You to Your followers. Teach us how to receive these blessings from You.
People Thank You, God, for the wonderful blessings You give to Your people.
Leader Please stand for the hymn :
If I were a butterfly.
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.

Thank You, God, for making me 'me'

Leader Please sit.

Thank You, God, for making me 'me'.

( Picks up basket of lavender sprigs from the altar )

After the testimony, there will be an opportunity for those who desire it to take one or more of these lavender sprigs as a thank offering. They may either be placed on the altar as a thanksgiving to God or taken to give to someone as a special "thank you".

I will now bless these sprigs.

Lord Jesus, thank You for all that You do for us. I pray Your blessing upon these lavender sprigs, that all those who give them and receive them may receive a special blessing. Amen.

Leader places basket of lavender sprigs on the small table on the altar side of the gap in the communion rail.
Testifier Testimony
( Organist plays "Give thanks" whilst people collect their lavender sprigs. )
Leader Please stand for the hymn :
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
( Pray-er moves to the front ready to lead the next prayer. )
Omitted for copyright reasons; further details.
Pray-er Please sit or kneel for the prayer of Thanksgiving from the New Zealand Prayer Book.

Eternal God, compassionate and merciful,

We Your unworthy servants give You humble thanks for all Your goodness and loving kindness to us and to all people.

We bless You for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life :

but above all for Your boundless love in the redemption of the world by our Saviour Jesus Christ;

for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.

And, we pray, give us that due sense of all Your mercies, that our hearts may be truly thankful,

and that we praise You, not only with our lips but in our lives, by giving ourselves to Your service, and by walking before You in holiness and righteousness all our days;

through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, to Whom, with You and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, now and forever.


( Collectors ready. )
Leader Please stand for the Hymn
Now thank we all our God.
There will be a voluntary collection during this hymn.

1. Now thank we all our God,
  With hearts, and hands, and voices,
  Who wondrous things hath done,
  In whom His world rejoices;
  Who, from our mothers' arms,
  Hath blessed us on our way
  With countless gifts of love,
  And still is ours today.

2. O may this bounteous God
  Through all our life be near us,
  With ever joyful hearts
  And blessed peace to cheer us,
  And keep us in His grace,
  And guide us when perplexed,
  And free us from all ills
  In this world and the next.

3. All praise and thanks to God
  The Father now be given,
  The Son, and Him who reigns
  With Them in highest heaven;
  The one, eternal God,
  Whom earth and heaven adore;
  For thus it was, is now,
  And shall be evermore.

Leader receives the collection and places it on the altar.
Leader Please remain standing for the Blessing.


( Hand out 'sparklers' to children and hearts to adults as they leave. )

Those taking part

Projector operator

We invite you to join us for a cuppa in the Hall at the end of this service